Monday, January 13, 2020

MCKMQG basket swap

A little catch up post here! In the fall, the McKinney Modern Quilt Guild had a basket scrap swap. We've done these scrap swaps before, with baskets and pillows (twice!) and they are fun! Each participant brings a ziploc bag full of her own scraps. Then we fill out information sheets, how you'd like to use your basket etc. and we swap bags. You take home the bag you receive and make a basket for the original scrap owner. FUN! This time I got Alice's scraps. Let me tell you, she gave me enough scraps to make a dozen baskets!

Here's the basket I brought her at our December meeting. It's quite large. I filled it with some smaller baskets and some of her favorite snacks.
Catherine had my scraps. I had put all Christmas scraps in my bag and requested a basket to put our Christmas cards in. She nailed it!
She filled it up with goodies too. The same night we had a handmade ornament swap. I received the sweet spool ornament... from Alice! It was a full circle kind of night. Here are the ornaments I brought...
We each brought one ornament to swap and one to donate to Meals on Wheels. It was a really fun night of swapping!


Maria said...

Gorgeous Baskets swapped and also lovely ornies

Debbie said...

Very fun indeed! We've had lots of swaps but never brought our own fabric to give to the maker... an interesting twist!