It's been a while since I caught you up on bee blocks! I'm in two bees now,
The Solid Seven instagram bee and a
McKinney Modern Quilt Guild bee. Love them both!
In fact, this month I am the queen bee for BOTH bees! I don't know how that happened. I debated having both bees make the same block, but in the end went with 2 completely different themes. The Solid Seven are making me Groovy 70s blocks! They are starting to roll in and I can't wait to share them with you down the road! Meanwhile here are a couple of blocks I made to inspire them:
the blue squares represent the Brady Bunch intro |
I plan to make a bunch of extra groovy flowers to use as filler blocks |
Meanwhile, the MCKMQG girls are busy making me Japanese X&+ blocks in monochromatic pinks and oranges....
Earlier in the year, the Solid Seven girls made me these improv citrus string pieced blocks...
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As you can see, I have these all pieced together. It needs something! I have a couple of ideas, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. Soon, I promise.
Some more been blocks I've made in recent months...
black & white with a splash of color improv for Nicole |
these fun blocks for Loide |
and improv face blocks (super challenging!) for Ailish |
There are lots more that I've made, but this will give you a taste.
Some stunning eye candy; thanks for the inspiration! I just love your TV set w/ rabbit ears-- bravo!!
I hadn't seen X and + blocks in your IG feed, so excited to see them here. That's one of my favorite blocks of all time! ;-)
p.s. Good job on your face blocks. I still think that's one scary prompt!
Such interesting blocks... love the TV and groovy block...
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