Today Ally made a new bag for school. She kind of modelled it after my market bag, but the size is different & she added some of her own features. First of all, she chose very bright & colorful home
dec fabric for the bag......

She did want the same prairie point detailing that I put on my bags so she did that.....

& then she added pockets for her pens & pencils, etc, & a hook for her
house key....

and filled it up with her school supplies! She's all set! Two weeks from Monday & off she goes to 8
th grade. No doubt she will have the fanciest bag there! & she did the whole thing herself. Very impressive! I knew that sewing machine she got for her birthday would come in handy!

Next up for her is her
Halloween quilt. She bought a charm pack of
Halloween fabric & said she's going to do a disappearing nine patch quilt with it. I am anxious to see how that comes out! She's got a great eye for color & does a terrific job sewing.
I just thought you'd all enjoy seeing it too!
Ally, I love your bag and Mom, looks like someone inherited your talent! She did a wonderful job! I really love the colors too!
She did a wonderful job on the school bag! I'm very impressed with her skills!
Keep up the great work!
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