How do you like Ally's new footwear? Apparently the bone bruises from a year ago never healed properly. The more she moves it (volleyball, physical therapy, etc) the more aggravated it gets. So, we're trying a new tactic! Total immobilization for at least a month.

For now she thinks it's fun & pretty. Check back in a few days.
meanwhile, I am getting excited about Quilt Festival in Houston! We leave 2 weeks from today! I can't wait. I made myself 2 new bags to take along.... one is my Nantucket pattern & the other is a sneak peek at my new pattern! Woohoo.... hopefully I will be ready to totally reveal that to you very soon

I hear my friend, Lisa, received my package finally! That really didn't take too long at all.
Well, I'm off to pick up my little invalid. I'll be happy when she can walk again! (so will she!)
TeeHee! thats ME up there!
Awww, she looks happy in her cast! One question...how did you get those jeans off over it? Hang in there Ally, a month passes by quickly!
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