ok, so about once every five years or so, I decide that I should learn to knit. I remember my mother trying to teach me when I was very young. fail. And the summer I went to visit my Grandma & Grandpa, I was about 12? fail. And many many times after that. Most recently, about 5 years ago, Ally decided she wanted to learn. We bought all the supplies.... including books on beginning knitting. We both failed. Seriously??? Lots of people knit. How hard can it be?
So today I decided to try again.
Lisa sent me links to
Youtube videos that demonstrated all the steps!
Yay! Finally I am going to master knitting.
The first video showed me how to cast on. I casted on 30 stitches, no problem!

Then I learned the knitting stitch! Yes, my needles are backwards. I am left handed. & I found most of the
Youtube videos done for lefties too! Hooray. I knit a few rows. And now, I had 32 stitches. Where did those extra stitches come from? That's not a good thing, is it? To add stitches?

And then I watched the casting off video, and it seemed pretty simple. Here's my finished sample. Lovely isn't it? No?

I think I'll just let Lisa do all my knitting for me. This was my final attempt! I swear.
Just so you don't think my day was a total waste, I did make this cute bag....

I had done the embroidery months ago & didn't know what to do with it..... I think it looks so cute here!

So, if I ever mention knitting again, someone please refer me back to this post. Really. I won't be mad!
I think it's a good attempt!! Don't give up! It's like crocheting I REALLY wanted to know how and you don't want to know how many hours I spent doing it. You might find the extra stitches are from the yarn being wrapped around the needle instead of a stitch, I have done that too. But saying that I'm happy to knit for you if we get to keep doing swaps :-) PS. Love the bag!
At least you gave it a try! I'm sure you will master it with some practice:-)
The bag is really really cute, love the stitchery on it:-)
Hugs from Synnoeve.
Oh don't give up! You are so talented and crafty! I bet it's just something that takes a little time to master! I bet with some practice you can create some amazing things! BTW...love the bag!
Very cute bag!
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