Monday, September 2, 2024

Improv Challenge week 2

 Are you ready for a new challenge prompt? Did you find time to play with prompt #1? Here's what I came up with...

Last week's prompt was stripes in pink and purple. I played around in my art journal and after creating a fun painted page I decided to make the blocks above. You can read more about our challenge here. Feel free to jump in any time!

Meanwhile, here's a new challenge to start this week...

Squares in purple and orange! Hmmm I'm going to need to think about this one.... maybe play a little more in my art journal before I sew. Can't wait to see what you all come up with!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Quilt Plano 2024

 Earlier this month I enjoyed seeing the beautiful show put on by the Plano Quilt Guild. I entered four quilts in the show (all quilts hung, this is not a juried show). Both of my quilts in the group quilts category received honorable mention ribbons!

What's for Breakfast, a Quilts Unscripted Bee quilt featuring improv cereal boxes by my incredible bee mates. How many do you recognize? Here's a key so you can check your answers! This quilt was quilted by my friend Diane Poor.

Spot on is a collaboration I completed earlier this year with my good friend Debbie Jeske. It was quilted by my pal Martha Wolf.

Chris's quilt, Shenanigans Between Friends, also received an honorable mention. This quilt was a collaboration between Chris and me.

Deco at Dusk is a beautiful collaborative quilt designed by my friend Ashley Stovall and pieced by a group of my local quilty friends. It will be the raffle quilt for the Plano guild next year. And guess what? It got a second place ribbon!

My friends were nice enough to let me contribute an improv panel for the back! So I had a tiny hand in four of this years group quilts, all of which ribboned!  What fun.

There were so many beautiful quilts in the show. I wish I could share them all.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Improv Challenge

 The other day over lunch my friend Chris and I were celebrating the near completion of a recent collaboration (more on that soon!) and wondering what we should do next. We tossed around lots of ideas and finally landed on a fun improv challenge. It will allow the two of us to make quilts simultaneously following the same biweekly prompts. It will be fun to see how different our quilts end up! Here's the really exciting part.... we'd love for you to play along. 

Every other Monday Chris and I will each be spinning a wheel we've created on the app tiny decisions. My wheel will determine a technique/shape that is to be created. Chris will spin her color wheel twice, giving us two colors to work with. Use one, use both, add another color of your choosing... there really are no rules. During the next two weeks, work with the selected technique and colors. Make a quilt block, ten quilt blocks, add to a previous block, you get to choose.

Are you ready? Here is the first prompt for our challenge:

We can't wait to create stripes in pink/purple! If you join in, post your improv on Instagram using the hashtag #improvchallenge2024 and follow Chris and I at @scarf.mama and@ellynz.

I'll be posting our next prompt here and on my instagram feed in two weeks!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Hippy Dippy Dotty collage

 In May our guild hosted a fun workshop with Carol Morrissey to learn her Hippy Dippy Dotty collage method. I had great fun making my own small version....

This is the pile of fabric and die cut circles that went into my quilt

It was fun to play with color and design for a day and I love my finished project. I straight line quilted it on my domestic machine, added a faced binding and hung it in my dining room. It's 23"x19".  It was fun to see how different everyone's quilts turned out!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Collab with Chris

Everyone knows I love a good collaboration. Recently I had an opportunity to make a quilt with my friend Chris....
I spent several days helping Chris sort out the clutter in her sewing space. It was fun finding things Chris had started and making a plan for future quilting projects. In the bottom of one bin of assorted fabrics and blocks, I found the improv blocks Chris had made during our workshop with Debbie Jeske in 2018. I couldn't bear to see them all unassembled, and, as Chris had no plan for them, I tucked them in my bag, took them home and set to work puzzling them together.

The final quilt is fun, Chris's signature rainbow color palette and my assembly. I especially love the black and white stripe she added to some of her blocks. It adds a bit of zing!
This was a fun, unexpected project!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Spot On

Time for some catching up! Back in January my pal Debbie was cleaning out her stash and gifted me a beautiful stack of improv hourglass blocks she had made last year. 

I had a wonderful time assembling them into a quilt top, adding a scrap or two of my own alone the way to make things fit. As I assembled it, I began adding appliqué dots here and there, because, why not? The Modern Quilt Guild has recently embraced Maximalism as an element of modern quilting and I thought this was the perfect opportunity to get on board. 

I attached the spots with hand stitching (blanket stitch with #8 perle cotton). If you look closely, you can see that I stitched some ghost circles into the background as well.

My friend Martha popped it onto her longarm and added free motion loops and circles I finished it off with big stitched binding. Such a fun collaboration with friends! I love the quilt, which finished at 46"x54".

You can read Debbie's account of our fun collaboration here. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Pantone Quilt Challenge, 2024

 Well, I sure didn't mean to step away from my blog for months and months, but here we are! I have no excuses really and lots to share with you so let's get to it, shall we?

My most recent quilt finish is Seasons in the Sun, my entry for the Pantone Quilt Challenge this year. In case this challenge is new to you, Pantone chooses a color of the year ever year, this year it is Peach Fuzz. Not really a favorite color of mine, but when you combine it with shades of teal and aqua anything works, right?

Finished quilt 34"x34"

Seasons in the Sun is 34" square and uses my own Funky Dresden technique. I've been revisiting this technique quite a bit lately, tweaking it and having a great time with variations. I added faced bindings and quilted it in a diamond grid with my walking foot.

Elizabeth Ray and Sarah Ruiz are heading up the challenge this year, so I have included my entry. You can see all of the entries as they are uploaded here. There are lots of great sponsors and fun prizes. Elizabeth and Sarah have made this tons of fun. Do hop over and check out their blogs and all of the fun entries.