Monday, August 16, 2021

a collaboration with Ally

A few months ago, when all of the kids came to visit, Ally showed me this image she had created on her iPad and asked if I could make it into a quilt for her. Challenge on!
While not colors I usually work with, I was happy to do it for someone I love. I set about collecting fabrics  with Ally in mine. I enjoyed every step of putting it together.

And just in time! This week Ally receives her MSW (Masters in Social Work) from UT Arlington. Quite the accomplishment! And she was able to achieve this remotely from her home during the pandemic, with her trusty dog, Malibu by her side.

Nice work Ally!



Debbie said...

How cool for Ally and what a nice project to commemorate the occasion!!

Maria said...

Congratulations Ally …..
Great design you created for Mum to make.
I’m sure you’ll love it.
Cute photo of Malabu and you….