Thanks for all the positive feedback on my new sewing machine cover! Would you like to make one too? Let me share how I made mine.
Basically what you are going to do first is make a mini quilt to cover your machine.

You'll want to measure your machine to get the right size. First, measure across, the widest part of your machine. Mine measured 16 inches. I decided to add an inch and a half to allow for a generous cover. It worked out well for me. So the finished width of my cover will be 17 1/2 inches.

Now take your tape measure up and over your machine. My measurement is 27 inches, table to table.

So now we make a mini quilt.... mine will be 17 1/2 inches X 27 inches but you make yours to fit your measurements! I did mine using the "stitch and flip"
method. Lay your backing fabric face down on a flat surface (your backing should be a couple inches bigger than your finished quilt in all directions) and lay a piece of low loft batting on top. Now find the center and lay your center strip face up there. This piece will be on the top of your machine...

I chose to add some solid strips on each side of the center. Mine are 1 1/2 inches wide (finish to 1
inch). Lay one along each edge of your center strip, right sides together. Stitch a 1/4 inch seam, flip your strips open and press.

Now add your next strip the same way (I flipped one back so you can see how they are laying on top of each other before sewing).

Keep adding your strips until your quilt is the right size. Be careful if you have directional prints like I did. You want the bottom of those strips to be toward the bottoms of your quilt (yes! Your quilt has 2 bottoms!)

When you get it all stitched and pressed the way you like it, trim it even and add your binding, just like you would to any quilt (I have a
binding tutorial here if you need some tips).

Now we're going to sew on some buttons! Come on, I got all those beautiful buttons for Christmas, you knew I was going to add some, right? I chose buttons in two sizes. You will need five larger ones and five smaller ones...

when you add a button, sew a small button on first then stack a big button on top of it and stitch. This gives your buttons depth and creates hooks.

Here is where your stacks of buttons should go (see the arrows?). Four sets go at the edges, 6 inches up from the bottom. One set is
off center, about an inch down from your center strip. Wondering what that button stack is for?

It's to hang things on, of course! See, I hung my little scissors there yesterday so they don't get lost...

Now we're going to create 2 elastic "scrunchies" for the sides. You need 2 strips of fabric, 4 inches x 8 inches. Fold these in half lengthwise and stitch to make tubes. Flip these right side out. Now tuck both ends in 1/4 inch and press.
Now take 2 pieces of elastic, 1 inch wide X 3 1/2 inches long and sew loops on each end. I made my loops out of 4 inch strips o fabric, but cording would work well too.

now, using a safety pin, thread your elastic pieces into the tube.

and stitch everything securely inside on both ends.

Aren't these cute hooked over the buttons on both ends of your machine?

Let me know if you make one for yourself! I have a
flickr group where you can share your pictures. If you want to make it in the same fabric I used, I got mine
here. I'm sure the nice ladies at The Quilt Asylum would love to help you out.
I just LOVE your sewing machine cover Ellyn.
Thanks for the tutorial.
Love, great tutorial!
I love this sewing machine cover. Love your choice of fabric too!
I found your tutorial in a pinterest search and am putting the final touches on my version now. Well, make that I just finished the scrunchies and will be using covered buttons that will coordinate with the binding I used. I still need to cover and sew on the buttons, LOL. I just thought while I still had your tutorial open I should comment and post a thank you!
The sewing machine cover was one of the final pieces of the puzzle in a sewing room accessories "re-do" precipitated by a blog hop I participated in last month using gingham. I'll be posting a picture on my blog in the next few days. Hope you will consider stopping by rather than me sending you a picture out of the blue.
THX again!
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