Ok, honesty time here. How many of you imagined a sweet three year old princess to wear all of the tulle, glitter & feathers? Because that would have been darling! However....
My princess/superhero is not three. She's thirteen! & very tall (much taller than her mommy!) Here she is all dolled up for a party tonight. Oh, she made the applique for her shirt, it says "Super

And by the way, her lovely pink cast is off. Too bad, it would have matched her outfit perfectly! She's back in her boot for now...

You can't really see it but there is silver glitter in her hair... a bit of fairy dust I suppose. Interesting get-up, don't you think?
Oh you do look so lovely in your pink costume, hope you have a great time at your party.
I see you have a new format for your blog Ellyn. It is nice to have a change.
Had to comment... my little girl is sitting next to me while I came to check something on your blog and she saw Allyson in her fairy outfit and told me "ohhh my Mummy she is just beautifulll" "oooh Mummy her outfit is just beautifulll" "isn't she pretty Mummy?"
Very cute idea!
Hope she had a great time at the party!
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