Ok, so Leigh Anne just yelled at me (no she didn't really yell. If you know Leigh Anne, you already know that!) for not posting on my blog lately. I guess my life isn't as exciting as I'd like it to be! I've been sewing a bit lately, but nothing new & exciting. There are some new purses brewing in my imagination.... maybe they'll actually create themselves soon! Meanwhile, here's one of the other designs I've made a few of recently.
I have some other ideas for Christmas presents.... but I'm sure not sharing those here! Heehee I like to think that some of the lucky recipients might possibly read this (heck I know Leigh Anne checks here frequently! Hi Sweetie!).
Until next time...
Oh, that reminds me-are you taking requests for Christmas gifts yet? Haha, stupid question. But we do need to talk Christmas soon!
requests are always welcome! you know that!
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