Friday, January 1, 2021



photo of Macys in NYC by my daughter Leigh Anne

Happy New Year friends. I have chosen my word for the year for 2021. It is...


I have come to learn that often I choose a word for the year for a specific reason and that the reason changes and evolves throughout the year. That said... here is my thinking at this moment.

I believe in myself! I believe that I am strong and capable. I believe I can learn new things, accomplish many things, love well and live well. 

I believe our country can (and will) do better. That we have learned much, especially in the past year, and that we will apply what we have learned so that we can work together, love each other and restore our nation to one that is respected throughout the world.

I believe our world will heal. That each of us will have a hand in that healing and that we will, once again, be able to travel the world and be united as a human race.

Most importantly, I believe in an almighty, loving God who will help us to make all of this happen.

Do you have a word for 2021? I'd love to hear about it.

1 comment:

Maria said...

As you know Ellyn I don't have a word but I love your's "believe" is perfect for 2021...