Lectures and Workshops

Thursday, August 5, 2010

home again, just in time for a birthday!

Ally is 14 today! In just a couple of weeks she will start High School! How did that happen? Not that she's not ready, she is! She's smart & funny, brave, creative & ready for High School. Happy Birthday sweet girl!

I just got home a couple days ago from Arizona, where I helped Leigh Anne get moved into her first apartment.

She & her roommates did a terrific job putting together all her IKEA furniture. Happy Junior Year to her!

While I was there, Mom & I had some fun in the local quilt shops. My favorite new to me shop was Quilter's Bee in Peoria. What a fun shop, nice ladies & lots of cool finds. I hardly bought anything, but had so much fun looking! We spent some time in The Quilted Cactus near Mom's house... love that shop, we drop in there every time I visit. I'll be shipping some of my patterns off there in the next couple of days too!

I dropped off 2 quilts at the longarm quilter on Sunday. Steve's college quilt and my World as it should be quilt. She called me yesterday & they are FINISHED! Seriously! Three days & both quilts are done. And I know they will be beautiful, she does such wonderful work. So now I just have to wait for Mom & Dad to come in September for a visit, bringing my quilts home! ::::tapping foot impatiently::::::

I'm coming up on 200 posts! What can we do for fun on my 200th post? Hmmmm I'll let you know soon!


  1. Happy Birthday Leigh Anne.
    Yes were do the years go???

    Can't wait to see yur finished quilts either.

  2. Happy Birthday Ally!! Enjoy high school!
