Lectures and Workshops

Sunday, August 1, 2010

2 years!

Two years ago today I posted my first blogpost here at ellyn's place. Wow! In some ways it seems like yesterday. In other ways, a million years ago. So much has happened in that time!

Two years ago I was sending my firstborn off to college for the first time. This week I helped her move into her first apartment in preparation for her junior year! Child #2 has filled out his application to come to ASU next year too.... & child #3 is starting High School. Crazy.

Since I started this blog, I have met so many awesome crafty friends from all over the world. I officially started my company, and published my first 2 patterns! More exciting ellyn's place patterns & designs are in the works. Stay tuned!

Right now I'm having a great time creating things with my mom. We've visited 3 quilt shops in 2 days (2 of them new to me). As soon as I return home from my latest Arizona adventure I promise a post with pictures, links & news. I just wanted to pop in & say hi, yes I'm still alive! & thanks for hanging out here all this time.