Lectures and Workshops

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

the yarn store

Monday morning, my pal Joellen wanted to take me to a big sale at the yarn store. I didn't really have any yarn projects in mind, but I agreed to go along. I had never been to a real yarn shop, I always just bought yarn at the craft or fabric stores. Why not? We went early.... she picked me up at 8 AM, & when we got there the parking lot was jammed!

As soon as we went inside, I felt like a little lost sheep (sheep! Get it? Yarn? wool? sheep?). First of all, almost all of the books & patterns were for knitting. Now, as you know, I don't knit. Oh, you didn't know that? There's a story about it here. Second, all of the ladies in the shop obviously knew what they were doing! They were all lugging big shopping bags, loaded to the brim with lovely yarns! Sigh.

Never fear! I finally found an adorable crochet pattern book with lots of do-able projects! I picked up three skeins of wool yarn to start on one of the projects. Yes, I felt a tiny bit foolish standing in line with my feeble purchases! But now my little crochet bag is almost finished! Hope to have a picture of it for you soon. & no, I wasn't the least bit tempted to try knitting again after my visit to the yarn shop! It was a lovely shop & a fun day.

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