Saturday, February 4, 2017

I made a shirt...

I've had this piece of gray cotton interlock in my stash for a long time. Who knows where I bought it or what it was originally intended for. One day I decided it needed to become a shirt. Dug through my patterns and found New Look S0184 (again, I've had it forever and never made it!). By the end of the day I had this awesome, comfy shirt which fits me PERFECTLY (how often does that happen???). The back is super cute...
I'm pretty sure I'll be wearing this a lot. I should probably make a few more actually! Anybody have a good source for cute cotton knits? Oh, and this was on my first quarter Finish-along list so yay! There's that!

Have a great weekend friends! Hope you get some creative time.


Chantal said...

What a lovely top Ellyn. I think the back is fab!

Debbie said...

Good for you!!

Unknown said... is a good source for cute knits. Love the back on your shirt. I'll be telling my daughter about it. She makes almost all her clothes and would love this one.

Melissa said...

Oh, that looks so cute & comfortable!

Ondrea said...

You are so clever! Looks fantastic and you look even more fantastic in it. Well done.

Maria said...

Yah... Looks great .. I bought fabrics and patterns to make myself shirts and never have...

Who's having a Birthday ??

Wishing you a Very Happy one and hope you do something special ...XXX

Sally said...

I might have to look this pattern up to see if it is still available! This is so super cute and looks great on you! Imagine gnats stocks a lot of apparel fabrics, including knits.

Linda in Arkansas said...

Cute! Cute! You did a good job.

Nicky said...

It looks great on you - well done on using both pattern and fabric and hope you make many more. Thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2017 global FAL hosts.