A while back, a friend showed me Lisa's blog, The Princess and the Monkey. Lisa has a great tutorials page on her blog, among other things! And just like it happens in blogland, we left each other comments... then we started following each other on Twitter. I couldn't help but notice that as I was waking up in the morning, sending my kiddos off to school & jumping on my Wii Fit, Lisa was tucking her little darlings into bed & wrapping up her day. You see, Lisa is in Sydney, Australia & I am in Dallas, Texas! What an incredible tool the internet is that we can communicate so quickly with people half a world away.
When I was a kid, I loved having foreign penpals. I would write them letters & pour my soul out to them. I'd mail my letters off & wait. And wait. And wait. And weeks later, after I had completely forgotten what I had told them, I would get their reply. And now, I can talk with friends around the world as if they were in the next room!
Anyways, back to Twitter. Lisa & I have gotten in the habit of checking in with each other every morning. Before I get on with my day, I look to see what Lisa has accomplished that day (strange thought!) & I encourage her. When she gets up in the morning, she does the same for me. Yesterday (or was it today, in Australia? Who knows), she tweeted something that really got me thinking about this phenomenon.
she said; "Crafting the world 24hours between the two of us".
What a great thought! Not just for Lisa & I, but for all of us who craft all around the world. I find it comforting that as I am packing up my crafts for the night, someone else is just rolling out of bed & considering all of the crafty possibilities the day might bring! Almost like I am handing off a baton in a relay race. God really knew what he was doing when He created the time zones!
So off I go to start my crafty day. Sweet dreams Lisa!
Beautiful E and perfectly written :-) Now off to Twitter to say good morning/evening so you can "pass the baton" over to the southern hemisphere for the day.
Congrats on your year of blogging. And When I lived in the Southern hemisphere... I would usually be going to bed when my children would be coming on to the internet in the morning....so I do think it is not something to take lightly. It is still wonderful to send a text message or an email to a South African buddy....and know they are getting up after I go to bed. And it makes the world much smaller too.
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