Saturday, February 8, 2025

Remix and Stitch Lab retreat

 I'm so excited to share a wonderful opportunity with you! Mod Maker Zone (aka Catherine and I!) are hosting a creativity retreat....

Remix and Stitch Lab

Remix and Stitch lab will be a five day immersive retreat where together we will explore our creative voices and processes. There will be some sewing (improv quilting!), paper crafting, weaving and even improv comedy! 

We're so happy that mixed media artist, Dori Patrick, will be joining us as a workshop teacher. I know you'll love Dori! Every time I interact with her I feel like sunshine has entered the room. She has a special energy about her, not to mention incredible talent. 

Dori Patrick

The retreat will be held at the beautiful Sunset Retreat Center in Sunset, Texas. The retreat center has comfortable rooms, tons of work space and wonderful meals, all included in the cost of the retreat. 

I do hope you'll join us for this fun long weekend. All of the details and a link to registration are here.  Don't delay.... registration is capped at 25 and you won't want to miss out!

See you there!

Monday, December 9, 2024

Gift bag tutorial

 I had the honor of creating a tutorial to post on my friend, Marie Bostwick's blog. Do you know Marie? In addition to being a great friend and kind human being she is a wonderful author. I found her years ago when she was writing her Cobbled Court Quilt series, all about, you guessed it, quilters! Since then she has written many wonderful books. I love that they focus on women and friendships.

Anyways, Marie asked if I would write a holiday tutorial for her blog. I created a pattern for these fun giftbags....

You can find the tutorial here.... and while you are there check out some of Marie's other blog posts. She often includes fabulous recipes!

Let me know if you make any gift bags for the holidays. I'd love to see them!

Saturday, December 7, 2024

A new bee for me!

Earlier this year my guild, McKinney Modern Quilt Guild, started a new bee. I seem to have trouble saying no, because I quickly signed up. For my first set of blocks, I requested blocks made with this Blossom Heart Quilts tutorial in aqua/white/gray. I really loved the blocks I received! Last week I got the quilt back from Martha who quilted it. I quickly bound it and once I wash it it will be a perfect snuggle quilt.

Isn't it fun? Finished size is 60"x72" a good size for the couch!

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Creative Crossroads

Something fun I have begun with my pal Catherine! We are recording a podcast! Introducing Creative Crossroads, available now on all the popular streaming services...

Our first series of interviews is with a variety of wonderful artists, exploring their creative process. It's been fascinating learning how differently we all create.

First up, available now for listening, is a chat with our friend Dusty Allendorf. Dusty is a wonderful modern quilter. Listen now to learn how she uses technology as an important element of her process.

Also available for streaming is our interview with artist Amanda Dunbar. Amanda is primarily an oil painter. She talks about not being afraid to explore new ideas here.

I hope you'll listen and let me know what you think! More episodes are coming your way very soon.


Sunday, December 1, 2024

Here and There and Back again

Back in the spring, my friend Chris brought me this orphan block and said "let's do something together with this"

And you know I never say no to a fun collaboration, or a challenge! So I added a checkered border to her block and passed it back to her...

And then she added more....
And so on...

Until eventually we had a completed quilt top! I matchstick quilted it on my domestic machine, added some big stitches with 8 weight pearl cotton and bound it in lime green after auditioning many options...

Catherine suggested the name Here and There and Back again and it fit perfectly. The finished quilt is 47"  x 33".

Monday, September 2, 2024

Improv Challenge week 2

 Are you ready for a new challenge prompt? Did you find time to play with prompt #1? Here's what I came up with...

Last week's prompt was stripes in pink and purple. I played around in my art journal and after creating a fun painted page I decided to make the blocks above. You can read more about our challenge here. Feel free to jump in any time!

Meanwhile, here's a new challenge to start this week...

Squares in purple and orange! Hmmm I'm going to need to think about this one.... maybe play a little more in my art journal before I sew. Can't wait to see what you all come up with!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Quilt Plano 2024

 Earlier this month I enjoyed seeing the beautiful show put on by the Plano Quilt Guild. I entered four quilts in the show (all quilts hung, this is not a juried show). Both of my quilts in the group quilts category received honorable mention ribbons!

What's for Breakfast, a Quilts Unscripted Bee quilt featuring improv cereal boxes by my incredible bee mates. How many do you recognize? Here's a key so you can check your answers! This quilt was quilted by my friend Diane Poor.

Spot on is a collaboration I completed earlier this year with my good friend Debbie Jeske. It was quilted by my pal Martha Wolf.

Chris's quilt, Shenanigans Between Friends, also received an honorable mention. This quilt was a collaboration between Chris and me.

Deco at Dusk is a beautiful collaborative quilt designed by my friend Ashley Stovall and pieced by a group of my local quilty friends. It will be the raffle quilt for the Plano guild next year. And guess what? It got a second place ribbon!

My friends were nice enough to let me contribute an improv panel for the back! So I had a tiny hand in four of this years group quilts, all of which ribboned!  What fun.

There were so many beautiful quilts in the show. I wish I could share them all.