Lectures and Workshops

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

negligent blogger

As my self-appointed business manager (Ally) was walking out the door this morning she said "umm, Mom? You need to blog today, it's been a while". Oops. When your 15 year old notices that you have been neglecting your blog it's time to get your act together! So here I am.

When I asked what I should blog about, she suggested I talk about her. Too funny. I guess I could fill my blog with Ally stories, pictures of her new pink cowboy boots, maybe even reprint a few of her English essays (nah, that would be ridiculous!), but that's not what you come here to read, is it? On to the crafty goodness...

Unfortunately, the things I have been working on most recently are surprises for peeps who sometimes read my blog... like these elephants I've been stitching up for a certain little person turning 2 next week! And some felty goodness going off to a bloggy friend who has survived earthquakes and hurricanes in recent days...

I have also been working on some fun stuff for my etsy shop! How about some fun decorative buttons coming soon....

These would be great on an art quilt, bag, scrapbook page... you name it! Also printing patterns & putting together some fun kits. There will be pictures of them soon and I'll let you know when the shop has been stocked.

Hope you are all enjoying some fun crafting too!


  1. Nice to "see" you back in blogland - I enjoyed the sneak peak photos. (I do, however, really want to see those pink cowboy boots! :>))

  2. Cute buttons and elephants. Happy to see you backnin blogland.

  3. And DUH! I just realizes that your sneak peek is for ME!!! Woohoo!!! I will get going on your chicken this week.

  4. LOVE the buttons!!! Glad to see you back, now if I could just get some blogging happening too.

  5. Elephants are the latest according to TQA so you are right on target. Love the colors and designs of the elephants. Too cute!
