Lectures and Workshops

Friday, July 15, 2011

300th post. I have a problem...

I haven't blogged in almost 2 weeks! There are several reasons for this. First of all, I've been very busy sewing, several different projects in various stages of completion. Second, I knew that the next post was going to be number 300 (this is it!), I wanted to do a giveaway but I wasn't sure what I wanted that to be. Third.... oh never mind. You get the picture. I'm full of excuses.

So this morning I went into my sewing room ready to tackle my growing list of projects and it was such a mess I couldn't even think straight. I started by cleaning up my work space. Then I sorted my projects, prioritized them, even finished one up that only took a few minutes! One upcoming project required some bias tape. Had not noticed that when I bought the pattern. Surely I have some bias tape somewhere in this room, right????

I opened up the box where I toss all things trimlike. Do you have one of those closets where you put orphan items? You know the closet I mean, the one where you open the door a crack, shove the item in and slam the door shut quickly so everything doesn't come tumbling out? You do have one, don't you? Please tell me I am not alone. Anyways, this is what my trim box is like. It's a rubbermaid container with a snap on lid. Whenever I have scraps of trim leftover from a project, I open the lid just a crack, shove the trim in and quickly close it. Extra ric rac? in it goes. Ribbon? in the bin. Cording? Bias Tape? Piping? Yup.

I have to tell you, when I opened that box this morning my newly cleaned sewing room became a jumble of tangled trims. Yikes! I sorted them all out (yes I did find the bias tape I needed!) Here's a sampling:

Cording, bias tape, piping.... Ribbon, lace, even some beaded trim...

And ric rac. I found MORE after I took this picture. What was I thinking when I bought all of this? Surely I had a purpose for it. If I did, it eludes me.

And then I had an epiphany! I went to the pantry and found an empty shoebox. One lucky blog reader who comments on this post will win as much trim as I can stuff into that box! Be careful when you open it! You might have a trim explosion like I did today! No, really, I promise to put them in there neatly! And who knows what else might wander into the box. Tell me what you see that would be useful to you.... are you a ric rac girl? polka dotty ribbon girl? I will do my best to accommodate you.

I'll leave the giveaway open until next Friday, July 22 then pick a random winner. So tell your friends (or, if you're greedy & want a better shot at it, keep it a secret!).

Now back to sewing I go. Hope to have some fun things to show you soon.


  1. I don't need the trim but I am into ribbon right now! LOL Hair bows are coming along nicely here! I have to take a pic for you!

  2. How did you know about that closet in my front hallway? LOL

    What a fun giveaway - count me in the draw! I know, I know, I don't sew but I use a lot of ribbon and lace on my layouts and I've been wanting to try some ric rac for a while (just haven't bought any)!

    Hope you're staying cool in your sewing room!

  3. Happy 300! Gee that ric rac looks pretty all next to each other. Can you believe I actually have only one small box of "trims", probably the only crafter in the world without the explosion!

  4. Fun giveaway, Ellyn! I'm a polka dot ribbon kinda girl but will take anything you will giveaway for your 300th post!

  5. Ofcourse we all have BOXES like this and I would love to win some more trims from you Ellyn.

  6. I had to laugh when I read your post. I strive to have less and less areas like this...some days it's better and some days it's worse :-) I'm not much a trim kind of girl, at least to date. I have a small bag of ric rac...I think I bought it to embelish these little notebooks I bought a pattern for (but haven't made any of them yet).

  7. I need more ribbon for my collection...because that is what I am doing with my ribbon right now.

  8. hi Ellyn,
    I am too late for your trim drawing, as I've just read your post after coming back from a weekend wedding in Edinburgh. However, I just wanted to take this opportunity to say how much I enjoy looking at all the beautiful things that you make. I stumbled across your photos one day by "accident" on Flickr (I'm FabulousLife) and just had to sign up to continue seeing all your treasures. It's a highlight of my day when I see your latest projects. And I'm just as amazed at your output. It is something to aspire to!! Lotsa Love to you!! Marie

  9. Awesome. You do make amazing things. I only hope my sewing room is like yours in the future, with so many projects and leftovers from them.

    Happy Sewing,
