Lectures and Workshops

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Last night our small group had a sewing gathering. There was lots of laughter, snacks, music, crocheting, embroidery, binding stitching and machine whirring. And we had a new friend join us. Diann fit right in with our crazy bunch! She was making house blocks for a quilt out of a mixture of solids. After she finished 2 blocks Diann decided she didn't like them. At all. We all suggested ways to make them pop, black sashing, etc, but she was DONE with them. Tossed them aside & started making something else out of the rest of the solid pieces she had cut. Well I wouldn't let it rest. I kept telling her that something could be done to save those house blocks from the trash.

As I was packing up my stuff to head home, Diann pulled out the house blocks and challenged me to take one home and make something of it. Well! You know me. I love a challenge! So this block came home with me and I am already hard at work to transform it! You'll have to wait to see what I come up with.

What are you working on this weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what a fun challenge. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

    I am actually working on a quilt project this weekend! I've brought Robbie's lap quilt with me all the way to southeast Texas so that my sister can repair a few spots where the stitching has come undone! Does that count? LOL
