Lectures and Workshops

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Graduation Day!

Today Allen High School graduated more than 1200 seniors! Can you see Steve? He's the one in blue.... No? You can't find him? I understand. He's in the back row. Here he is with the lovely Cassie, also a new graduate.

And also with his best buddy since the fourth grade, Luke.

And his proud sisters. Ummm Ally? You've got a while before you get to wear a hat like that!

Way to go Steve! You rock.


  1. Congratulations Steve. Well done. Were are you off to after your vacation?

    Wow !! so many students. Our small school has about 250 kids from 4yr olds to 17.

  2. Seriously??? 1200 seniors?? In ONE school??? My graduation class had 50 people in it. I think the whole school (7th-12th) was 500 students! That's one huge school!
