Lectures and Workshops

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dallas Quilt Show

Ally & I went downtown to the Dallas Quilt Show today! There were so many beautiful quilts. Here are just a few that we loved.... The one on the bottom right corner above was made by a member of our guild! Isn't it beautiful? Here are a few more.....
We seemed to be drawn to a lot of quilts with circles. & bright colors! I did love those teapots too though.
Our guild's donation quilt was hanging at the show too! It was perfect because the theme of the Dallas show was stars.

You might remember that the ladies in our guild each made star blocks for the quilt. We could use any pattern we wanted and any color batik. I think my block fit in nicely! I was nervous about it because I am not nearly as experienced as most of the ladies in our guild.

I took this next picture for Steve. He loves penguins! I thought this was so cute...

We did check out the shops too. I must say I was not terribly impressed with the shopping. It seemed like a lot of the shops brought their old stuff to get rid of it. Not much was new. Honestly, I can get newer stuff at the local quilt stores! So, I only bought a few little pieces of felted wool (yes, I am addicted to wool!). Ally bought a kit to make a minky blanket (she spent way more money than I did!). Hopefully she'll get that sewn up this next week, as she is on spring break. I'll show you a picture of it when she's done.
Hope you all are having a great weekend too!


  1. I really enjoyed going to the Dallas Quilt Show with you Ellyn. Oh I just love all the bright circles as well. Teapots look great and the Penguins look real.

    Looking forard to seeing what Ally makes with her Minky. I used that to make a few Easter Bunnies and it is so nice to work with.

  2. What fun! Make sure you show us Ally's quilt!

  3. Mama & I went to the quilt show on Friday, but I haven't had time to get any photos posted! I loved that star quilt - didn't realize you had a star on there, how neat!

  4. Did you see Mardi's other quilt??? It was amazing!!! I will post pics maybe next week. This week just keeps getting worse. I loved seeing the quilts this year more than I have in the past. I took tons of pictures.
