Lectures and Workshops

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Weekend Sewing

Every year Joellen's hubby goes away for a weekend & our sewing small group, Seams Like Sisters, takes over their house. I wish I had gotten a picture of the snack table! Joellen had quite an array of food for us.

I got a lot done over there the last two days. Spent lots of time quilting this quilt:I decided to try the "utility stitching" that several bloggers have done. I like it! But my hands got tired after a while & I would stop & work on other things. Like this block which will become a pillow form: Why Joellen felt she needed to stand on a chair to take a picture of it is beyond me! I'm just glad she didn't fall! I would have been happy to put my block on the floor....
I also fused all of the starts onto the blocks for my story book quilt....
Joellen worked on lots of projects & I didn't get pictures of all of them.
Her Birdie Stitches blocks are so pretty & all ready to go....
Ellen W was machine quilting. I wish I had a close up shot of her machine quilting! She free formed lots of stars on this quilt & it looks great.
The quilt is so bright & cheerful!
Carol was machine quilting too. I need to learn to do this! These gals are so good at it....

Isn't Carol's quilt bright & happy? Wait, what's that I see?
Oh, it's Pepper all cozy on Carol's quilt. I guess he thinks she made it for him!
Libby was helping Joellen quilt too, but when I went to take her picture she hid under the table. I guess she's a shy quilter
What a fun & productive weekend it has been! I hope yours has been as well.


  1. Oh Ellyn it is such fun spending a weekend with your friends sewing.
    You all have made some absolutly beautiful quilts.I do a lot of machine quilting and I would love to have the time to hand quilt one day. Have never done one.

  2. Sounds like y'all had a fun and productive weekend! Those are all gorgeous quilts.
