Lectures and Workshops

Friday, January 28, 2011


This being the beginning of the new year (ok, ok, I know it's almost February) lots of people on lots of blogs have been making resolutions, talking about the coming year. One trend I have seen on several blogs is people choosing a word to represent their year. This got me thinking. So many good words! So many terrific possibilities. I decided to choose a word too. What would it be? Something crafty? Create maybe?

One of my friends has chosen the word Simplify. Outstanding word! Ahhhh too many choices.

Then I thought, what word would really push me to become something I want to be. And the word I decided on is TRUST. You see, I struggled with this the last few years. I have always had a strong faith in God. He never lets me down. Why then, when things are tough, do I lay awake, night after night, worrying? Why do I insist on trying to control things, even when they are way out of my control? Why do I not TRUST God, when I know He is so much bigger than me, and that whatever plan He has is way better than anything I could conjure up in the middle of the night.

So this year, I am going to learn to Trust God. Completely. And to celebrate my word, I went looking for a necklace to wear, especially on days that I need a reminder. And I found this gem... I found it on Etsy, at Big Girl Studio. Isn't it gorgeous? In fact, I loved it so much, I ordered two and sent one to my awesome sister. All of the beautiful jewelry in this shop is made by Danit. She customized my necklaces for me & shipped them right off.... I had them within 4 days of ordering! And I have worn mine every single day since.

And guess what? Danit has agreed to sponsor a giveaway right here at ellyn's place! That's right, you can win this awesome necklace from her shop, just in time for Valentines day.....
She calls it "Peace of mind - Heart". Wouldn't you love to have one of your very own? Well all you have to do is leave me a comment on this post.... share your word for 2011! Or share something you'd like to accomplish this year. Or just say, "Hey Ellyn, pick me!" Anything at all. Just make sure you leave me an email address to contact you if you win. On February 5, I will choose a random winner. And you know I won't forget to do it because that will be my Birthday. The BIG ONE. What better way to celebrate than sending off a gift to one of my bloggy friends!

Good luck to you all....


  1. What a beautiful idea Ellyn and yes this is a "big" year for many of us! You've got me thinking about my word for 2011 and I'm still pondering, yet I really like Danit's "Peace of Mind", because this year I REALLY am looking for my "Peace of Mind"...I know it's out there somewhere. So, PICK ME L!!!

    Sending much love and warmth your way!

  2. What a great word for the year, and focusing on trusting God all year will be such a blessing for you! I really didn't pick a word for the year, but we are still waiting for God to provide the right job. I'm not sure I like it exactly, but I'll wait for Him!

    Oh and pick me!!!! That's a beautiful necklace.

  3. pick me, pick me...
    Actually I hadn't thought of a word that I want to inspire me for the year. What a great idea. I have made several goals for the year (and the rest of my life) and after a bit of reflection, I think my word for the year would have to be "believe."

  4. My word is really two words New Beginnings last year was a really rough year and we can all use a new beginning.

  5. What a great idea for your BIG birthday Ellyn.
    Love the word you have picked but I don't have one.

  6. How nice Ellyn! We chose words too.. my word for the year is "SIMPLIFY" and my husband's word is "SERENE". Good idea to put it on a necklace.

  7. Great word & great plan. Hard to let go & do! Wishing you well.

  8. Great word for the year...and great way to keep it close to your heart. I think my phrase is "just do it" to remind me that I need to jump ahead, whether it is following through on an idea for something crafty, writing a card to a friend, or doing the healthy items on my list. Yep, just do it and quit lollygagging! I love the necklace, pick me! jill953

  9. As I said earlier on FB, the word I would choose is Faith. If you have faith, much like trust, I believe (another good word) that God will not only bring you to, but through it, whatever 'it' may be. It's hard to do these things - but feels so good when you do.
    And I think that "giving" for your birthday, rather than expecting to "get" is an awesome way to celebrate. Early wishes for an outstanding day Ellyn!!!

  10. I just discovered your blog over on the Big Tent Supergroup and I love your testimony. I don't have a blog - yet- still debating. Interesting you ask about our "word" for 2011. My word from God for the past several years has been "balance" and my husbands hope for this year is the same as Holly's - "new beginnings" as ours was also a difficult year last year. As for 2011, i don't have a word yet. Jackie

  11. How nice! I don't have a word. I'm just going to go with the flow. but I love your necklace and your reasons for it. Thanks for the chance!

  12. Hi Ellyn. I learned of your blog from the Quilting group on Big Tent. I'm glad I found it as I could really relate to your post. I really need to learn to trust God more in my life, especially with a situation I'm dealing with now. I think that if I trusted God more, I would have peace of mind naturally. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us and the great give-away. It's a beautiful necklace.
    Ann McGee

  13. I found you from big tent - love the blog. Carlyn Keylor

  14. Trust is a great word - one we should all incorporate in our lives. Mine is Hope - my maiden name. I try to always live up to that too. Hope for peace among nations, our own country and hope to recognize needs in others and do something about them when possible.

    Thanks for a great post!


  15. Been thinking about this word thing a lot lately...like yours...I need to let go of some of the control and trust too! My word is going to be "believe"...in myself and those around me. God believes in me so I need to follow in his steps. Would love to win the necklace...have a thing with hearts!

  16. My word is action...Too often I put off pushing my crafts to the next level. This year I am doing my first art festival and taking my quilting and paintings for showing and sale. Terrifying but exciting.

  17. Hi Ellyn, I love your word. Last year I chose "slow down", that didn't work out too great. I like "trust" as well. We all need to do exactly that and trust what God has in store for us. Nice giveaway. Please stop by my blog sometime.
