Lectures and Workshops

Thursday, December 16, 2010

special mail!

Today this beautiful ornament came in the mail from my friend, Lynne. So special with our name on it & everything! Thank you Lynne! We do an ornament swap every year with the gals in an email loop I am in. I have all of the ornaments I have received from these gals over the years hanging above my sewing machine. I just can't bring myself to put them away. So that's where this one will go after Christmas too!

I've been quiet here lately because I'm working on some last minute Christmas gifts that I can't share just yet. I will tell you there was one project in my head that involved paint & modpodge & well, let's just say it didn't pan out the way I had hoped! I have never been good with a paintbrush, I don't know what made me think it would be different this time? Not so much. So, into the trash it went... & no, I didn't take any pictures. You'll just have to believe me, it was BAD!

Is everyone else still sewing madly? Please tell me I am not the only one???


  1. More mail coming soon! Open and enjoy when you receive it!! Love you sis! Di

  2. Gorgeous ornament! What a lovely idea, will need to remember for next year, we do an ornament swap with family.

  3. You are not the only one! Well, I should be madly sewing, but I have just been so tired...I am finding it hard to get anything done. I am hoping to get a LOT accomplished this weekend...otherwise I will really be in trouble!

  4. A beautiful personnal orament and I would keep it out all year too.Like you I have several projects that will have to wait to be posted till after Christmas.

  5. I love the ornament and nope. You are NOT the only one! I'm just procrastinating! I have a few more things to finish and I haven't sat in front of my sewing machine in several days. I better get at it!
