Lectures and Workshops

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day!

This is what I made for my mom for mothers day! A sweet pincushion.... I like him a lot! Maybe I will make more of these? But Mom got the first one! Happy Mothers Day Mom!

I was thinking back to early memories of my mom.... I remember my mom & the neighbor ladies sitting at the kitchen table (sometimes ours, sometimes others) drinking coffee together & talking the day away. We don't do enough of that with our friends now. Those were simpler times, when moms would open the back door & shoo us out to play while they visited. We didn't run from one activity to the next like we do now. Grocery stores were only open certain hours of the day (NEVER on Sundays!) & families hung out together a lot more. Sigh...

I remember the whirrrr of Mom's sewing machine as she whipped up matching dresses for my sister & I (Diane's were always blue, I suppose to match her eyes? Mine were pink or red...), fancy Halloween costumes (Raggedy Ann complete with a red yarn wig!), stuffed toys, etc. One year Dad finished the upstairs attic space into a beautiful bedroom for Diane & I.... I remember that the wallpaper was pink & green flowers, in a little circle pattern. Mom copied that pattern onto pillowcases for us.... bet you never thought I would remember that!

I remember Mom making us oatmeal for breakfast in a big pot. She would take mine out for me before she dumped the raisins in because I didn't like them. A simple gesture but it stuck with me!

Now that I'm a mom (have been for 20 years! Yikes!) I understand that all of these simple gestures were done out of love.... Now that I am the one sewing for my kids (last week it was new pj pants with ducks on them for Ally), making special foods they love, enjoying time with them, all of the things my mom did make so much sense. Thanks Mom! I love you!

Something special I got to do this Moms Day weekend. Author Marie Bostwick was in town signing her latest novel, A Thread so Thin. If you have not read her Cobble Courts novels, you really must! This is the third book in the series. Every time I read one, I want to really know the characters. They are so endearing & REAL! Well yesterday I got to meet Marie & have her sign my book.... Joellen & I went together to the quilt store to hear her talk. Here's a picture of Joellen & Marie...

Marie is a sweet as I thought she would be, a wonderful storyteller & a caring lady! We have been "tweeting" back & forth on twitter for a while. When I said who I was, she knew right away & gave me a big hug. Made my day. Ok, it made my month really!

To all you moms out there, have a wonderful day. To my sweet children, thanks for letting me be your mom. Thanks for letting me learn on you, make a few mistakes but love you all the same. & to my mom... thanks for your wonderful example.


  1. Lovely post Ellyn I really enjoyed reading it.
    Love the bird picushion too ,lucky Mum.

  2. Adorable! I bet your Mom loved it!

  3. Ellyn Thank you for the lovely tribute. Life was easier then raising children today. Neighbors watched each others children, cared for them like they were their own. The cute pin cushion and owl fabric bundle is the cutest. I love this time being a Grandma to all 9.
    Love, Mom
