Lectures and Workshops

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Leigh Anne!

Twenty years ago today, this beautiful girl entered the world & my life was forever changed.... Ah motherhood! In some ways it seems like yesterday that they handed her to me & suddenly I was responsible for someone other than myself. What a learning experience! Nobody can teach you to be a mom. No book can explain it. You just have to live it, do your best & pray A LOT! Leigh Anne has made my job easy! She was an easy baby (ok, except for bedtime!), a smart & chatty toddler (complete with the OCD lining up of the shoes & photos on her dresser!), a beautiful ballerina and a hard working student.

Today she is a beautiful woman, smart and happy. She is a journalism student at Arizona State University. I'm so proud of her!

Hurry home sweet girl! Mom loves you!


  1. Happy Birthday Liegh Anne.

    Yes time goes by so quickly. I just got news today my eldest GD is expecting. YEKS a Great Gran.
