Lectures and Workshops

Friday, March 26, 2010

Another cake! Must be friday!

Ally made her course 2 finale cake tonight! I think it's pretty darned amazing. My mom is surely holding her breath wondering if I will tell this story, so here goes....

When I was a little girl my mom took the Wilton cake decorating classes too! Yes, they had those classes even in the dark ages! Mom made us beautiful cakes.... I remember one year I had the Barbie cake where the dome shaped cake becomes Barbie's beautiful dress.... I also remember a golf cake she made for my dad. The putting green icing was hard as a rock & we couldn't cut into it! Oops sorry mom, this is supposed to be about my issues, not yours!

So, when I was about Ally's age, mom made this same basket weave cake full of flowers for my birthday. It was a gorgeous cake! So pretty that I wanted to show it to everyone. Someone came over that day (sorry, I can't remember who it was! Maybe mom knows?) & I went to get the cake off the kitchen counter. Mom had it setting on the counter with the cake carrier lid just setting over it. I thought the cake carrier base was underneath. So I slid the lid off the edge of the counter... and.... I hear you gasping. You know what's coming, don't you?

You guessed it. The fabulous cake Mom had made me crashed to the floor! What a huge mess. I was not a happy camper that day.

When I told Mom on the phone yesterday what cake Ally would be making tonight she said "Ellyn, isn't that the cake you...." yes Mom. It is. & let me tell you, I was totally paranoid carrying Ally's cake to the car tonight! But as you can see, we made it just fine. Oh, & yes, it did take me two tries to bake the cakes for it again today. Let's not even discuss that. I can't wait until summer break when Ally can bake her own cakes. She's much better at it! I guess it's one of those things that skips a generation!


  1. Diane aka Auntie DiMarch 26, 2010 at 8:41 PM

    I think it might have been Aunt Jan. Or Eileen Corman? hmmm...not susre eiether...but I remember the event!!!
    Gorgeous cake Ally! Can't wait to see you working for Charm City Cakes someday!!

  2. I am impressed, yet again. That is amazing! Pretty color, too. Ellyn, what a memorable story : )

  3. What a beautiful cake.Well done. My end up like pancakes so I stick to sewing.

    Great story. LOL

    For us it is nearly Sunday again!!!! Time just flys.

  4. I am the Mom who created the cake back in the dark ages------It was Aunt Jan, Debbie and Robin who witnessed the basket cake fall to the floor. Good job Ally, I am glad that you are enjoying cake decorating as I did.

  5. Keep up the great work, Ally! Every time I see another one of your cakes it gets better and better! You are an awesome decorator! You certainly have a lot of talent!

  6. Very nice! You're doing a great job with the cake decorating, Ally!

  7. It sure is an amazing cake, wtg Ally.
