Lectures and Workshops

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Ally has a new hobby! She has taken up cake decorating. She is taking classes at Hobby Lobby every week & practicing whenever she has the time. Look at that steady hand... And the concentration on her face!
Here's her first cake, a lovely rainbow, that she made in class on Friday! I wish it was gluten free.... I'd dig in! But then that would ruin it. I think I'll just look at it instead!


  1. Ally, the cake looks amazing! Too good to eat! I guess you got your Mommy's genes when it comes to crafting! :)

  2. Fantastic job! You know here a lot of cake decorators use foam cakes so they don't have to keep baking!

  3. Thank You!!! It's really eassy to decorate actualy.... I luv it!

  4. Very nice! I took similiar classes years ago. They do come in handy now. Keep at it!
