Lectures and Workshops

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

little projects

I like to keep little projects on hand.... something I can crochet & finish during an episode of extreme home makeover on a Sunday night! or something I can stitch up quick while I listen to a podcast of two... you know the kind of projects I mean? Something like this: this little dish scrubbie crocheted up in about an hour. Fun! When I saw the pattern in an old issue of Crochet Today, I knew I needed to make at least one. & Now I am making crochet edging for the pretty blue kitchen towels behind it. Not my kitchen colors but they will make a lovely birthday gift for a friend later this year. Check that off the list! The pretty citrussy colors just made me smile.

Allyson will be having lots of physical therapy sessions coming up on her leg, which means I will have an hour or so several times a week to sit in the waiting room & work on little projects. More scrubbies maybe? Or some more hand stitched hexagons? Heart blocks for my Valentine quilt?

What little projects do you keep on hand?

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous citrus colours, not normally my colours either but they look so fresh. I've been on a "finish WIPs" couple of days and it feels good to see the list getting shorter! Next Im doing some baby booties for a quick crochet fix.
