Lectures and Workshops

Thursday, January 14, 2010

goodies in the mail... and projects

The mailman has brought some wonderful goodies in the last few days! I told you about my swap with Chris. Here are the pretty little pouches she made for me! My new camera fits perfectly in the larger one, and my ID & debit card, etc, in the small one. I love them so much! Thanks Chris.

Then today the mailman brought these lovely fabrics that I ordered here....
The photo really doesn't do them justice. The colors are so bright & vivid (& what is it with me & birds lately? odd.) I ordered the whole line in fat quarters! I don't know what they will become, but it sure will be bright & cheerful.

And yes, I have been sewing. Lots of different projects going on. I had fun making coasters using this tutorial. They are so so easy & fun to make! I made this set of four from 2 fat quarters!

Look how cute they are all tied in a bundle with a little scrap of rick rack! I see lots of these in my gift giving future....
And I decorated some more towels. These with a few charms from a moda charm pack (Love U by Deb Strain)

and these, with a crochet border from Crochet Today, to match the kitchen scrubby I made last week!

So, you see, I have been very busy! What have you been making lately?


  1. Everything's so lovely! I love the tea towels though, we use ours constantly they are great! I could have a whole cupboard full of them.

  2. I love the yellow decorated towels! What a sunny color for a dreary winter day. I may have to get myself a charm pack or two of those... :)

    LOVE the pouches too... but I'm sure you already know that. LOL.

  3. You have been busy aking some lovely things.
    Wow the fabric is gorgeous.

  4. Ellyn, I am doing a giveaway for folks signed up as followers to my blog, well your name was chosen by the random generator! Please give me a visit and see what your prize choices are. http://shonastudio.blogspot.com/

    Shona :)
