Lectures and Workshops

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Hello, is this thing on?

Well I truly didn't mean to disappear like that! There's been some traveling going on, some planned, some unplanned, and all good. Meanwhile, quilting & blogging got put on hold a bit. But I'm back, and have no plans to disappear again any time soon. We'll see how that goes!

Something fun we do at at Not Your Mama's Quilt Store where I host the monthly Boast and Toast, is hold a fifth Saturday Challenge. Since March had five Saturdays, many of us gathered on the fifth Saturday to share the projects we had completed. We all receive the same starting package of fabrics and make whatever we want from them. Then we leave the projects at the shop for a month so customers can vote for their favorites.

I'll admit, I was at a loss for a long time when I received the challenge fabrics. Finally, it came to me! Snugs bear, the 35 year old teddy bear that hubby gave me when we were first dating, needed some new clothes. He's become pretty worn over the years, and I thought a cute pair of pants and vest would make him look snazzy.
And I was right! I deigned the little patterns myself, using a doll clothes pattern as a jumping off point. The print fabric and the minty polka dot were the assigned fabric. I lined the vest with the polka dot and then added a dapper little bow tie (on a piece of ribbon) to finish off his outfit.

What a fun project! And you should see the wonderful things others made. Wow! There's some serious talent in that group. Now, to evaluate the fabric I have for the June challenge and come up with something fun.


  1. How nice to have loved Snugs all these years and he looks very smart in his new outfit and bow tie. Great use of your challenge fabrics.
    I have a Koala I treasure which was given to me on my 5th birthday...He's very old !!!!

  2. He is so cute in his new outfit. The best dressed bear in town.
