Lectures and Workshops

Monday, January 15, 2018

Tiny Dresden Party week 2

The tiny dresden party continues over on Instagram! I shared my week one finishes here. I was having so much fun making embellished hoops I decided to keep on making them! Two more finished for week two....
As before, my dresdens are smaller than 5 inches. I love adding chain stitch and sequins...
And this one has an aqua sequined center and tiny black beads at the dresden points...
All of the colorful sequins and tiny beads were creating a mess in my studio. Not that I'm a neat-nick or anything (confession, I'm NOT) but they were making me a bit crazy and needed to be reigned in. Hobby Lobby to the rescue! Check out these tiny jars.....

Perfect for tiny embellishments. Twelve jars come in each cute little case....
which snaps securely closed. Each case was only $3.99. So of course I bought several. Two are already full...
still working on perfect storage for my embroidery floss.....l


  1. Gorgeous Dresdans..
    What perfect tiny jars in the storage case for little beads etc.

  2. Containers are so great when you find the perfect one and get your stuff all set up in it, too! Your dresdens are so pretty!

  3. Great bead storage. I keep seeing other crafts I would like to try but simply don't have any more space lol. I recently bought a few white plastic baskets to store a lot of things and the room looks so much neater now. Loooove your hoops. Wonderful idea. I think they are absolutely stunning in those colourways.
